To Beloved Haitians, Venezuelans and those being impacted by the California Wild Fire, Our Hearts Go Out to You: We Are Praying for You and in Greater Faith, Believing that This Too Shall Pass, IJMN, Amen

thePrayerTalk with Chinwe Lebechi

Christian family worship God in home

Finding Purpose and Fulfillment Through Faith:  
A Journey to Enlightenment, Insights and Inspiration for a Meaningful Life

LifeCare and Business Development Supports

  • healthy woman eating fruits after workout
  • thePrayerTalk Weight-Loss Challenge Care Support

    weight-loss challenge flyer

    A comprehensive 8-weeks weight-loss guided program designed to help you work towards fitness goals. We have found that it’s not just about loosing weight, it’s most importantly about maintaining the lost weight. Through this program, you’ll be guided on establishing self-support and will power, gain effective ways of improving daily meal intakes, and learn how to make meals more healthier, tasty and nutritious, tailoring to your current needs and lifestyle, guiltlessly. Available on an individual one-on-one or through group sessions.                                                    Book This Care Support

  • Depression, mental health, psychology therapy
  • Life Begins With LOVE Care Support

    We Provide Care Support and Spiritual Growth for:  Loving ThySelf.                                                       In the Christian world, Jesus’ second greatest commandment is to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt 22:39). We believe that you cannot truly be obedient to this commandment without TrueLove for YahNweh and Self from which you can then transcend to love others and handle most issues and concerns of life. Sign up for our next session to begin your life-love today!                                                                                                                                                               Book This Care Support

  • couple walking on beach
  • Marriage/ Relationship Care Support

    With 24 years (and counting, In His Grace) of marriage experience as the founder’s pillars and higher guidance from The Creator’s Words, TheBible, this service is dedicated to helping couples succeed in creating deeper connections that could last a lifetime. Take advantage of a personalized support so you can build an unshakable foundation for a lifelong satiation… happiness. Excellent for all couples, especially NEW couples navigating through the unknown terrain, coming into it with lots of expectations or those already experiencing mid-life crisis that make or brake most marriages, which can hit the years of friendship and bonds like never before, whether welcomed or not. Every couple has immense potential for growth and success – let’s unlock it! Schedule a session today for just you or both you and your Better-Half (most recommended).
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  • husband comforting his wife with cancer
  • Coping With Cancer or LifeBlues: A Time for MORE of God & Love Care Support

    A faith-based service designed to offer compassionate and love of life supports to anyone who is experiencing a Dis-Ease or finds self in times of hardship. We offer a secure space where people can be supported on their journey toward acceptance of current fate in life or to be at peace for a gradual exiting to heavenly return. We are committed to helping each individual take steps toward renewed hope for life’s toughest terminal ailments or issues and concerns.
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  • Employess standing, posing, and smiling ready to work
  • Faith-Driven Corporate Praiseaerobics Services

    Experience what we call Praiseaerobics: An inspiring King David’s type of Praises to YahNweh that knocks open the Heaven’s Gate for answers to prayers. Incorporating Spirituality in business settings or during events can promote happier employees and non-toxic work environment. Praiseaerobics are excellent at start or end of each work events such as before sales meetings, corporate meetings, seminars, workshops, convention programs, holiday party, and other business events. Achieve overall success that can lead to employees’ possible attainment of work-life balance by reserving a session today!
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  • Faith-Driven Management Consultation Services

    We provide faith-based support and guidance to businesses and organizations of all types and sizes for business developments, operations and management. Based on founder’s past experiences, we give direct and/or advisory assistance on management of your new business ventures, projects and special events. To book this service, please give a detailed description of your business needs, including any third-party involvement.                                                             Book This Service

  • Faith-Driven TalkShow of Your Event, Hosting or Speaking Engagement Services

    Allow us to help you capture additional memories of your next event in the most captivating and fun-loving way: A LifeStyle video talkshow! We also host shows or can be a special guest speaker of your special event, while help identify your personal branding and storyline to focus on. To book this section, please indicate whether you want us to perform a talkshow of your event, hosting of your show or speaking engagement service, giving a detailed description of your upcoming event.                   Book This Service

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