Prayer can help you find the guidance you need to make the right decisions for your life.

Thank you for your interest in joining thePrayerTalk team! We are a dynamic and innovative company that is committed to making a positive impact, while embracing our versatile GodGivenGifts.

thePrayerTalk is on a mission to find innovative and passionate minds – the kind of people who know and adore their GodGivenGifts, using them to Glorify TheCreator while serving HisCreations, creating lasting changes!
Do you have the desire to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt 22:39), helping shape the future? If you have what it takes in any of our service areas, join our team and make positive changes in an exciting, rewarding career, exploring your potential as part of an organization that impacts lives around the globe.

Unleash your potential here – explore current job openings or volunteer by getting in touch with us today, submitting your cover letter and resume, indicating area of interest.