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Welcome to thePrayerTalk with Chinwe LebechiFaith-Based Solution Before It's Time

Amidst the chaos of 2020, a reassuring voice emerged to awaken hope and inspiration within our shared consciousness. This birthed thePrayerTalk’s first service:  A one-of-a-kind global, Bible-based TalkShow with a clear mission: To guide us back to YahNweh, TheGod Who Knows & Owns us all and in faith, bring Him into every aspects of our being, for greater good, hope, trust, comfort and love, especially during times of crisis.

Today, thePrayerTalk encourages that we need NOT wait for crisis to strike before we form our unique relationships with YahNweh.

thePrayerTalk (thePT) offers an array of comprehensive care support programs and business consultation services, plus Talkshow topics, under the backbone of huge reverences to YahNweh and respect for humanity; each program or service is designed to bring the individual or company to uncover the hidden depths of potentials through knowing YahNweh, who knows the way of fulfillment to every need. When life gets complicated like it was in 2020 or a business begins to run dry, it is time to bring God closer, using thePower of what we call, PRAISETESTING (Indulging on Prayerful Petitions), ThanksGiving Praises, Candle Lighting, performing Prayerful Vigils and/or Listening and Dancing to Songs of Praises (WorshipSongs) to tap into DivineGuidance. Dive into faith today to gain unique insights and open doors never knew existed.

Then, join us monthly on thePrayerTalk talkshows to step into a captivating and thought-provoking world where even the most divisive topics can be explored. Our immersive experience is more than just entertainment – it’s an invitation to seek out TheCreator like never before! Become part of our thePT Tribe as we make it our priority to honor God on this journey of personal growth through prayerful contemplation in each discussion episodes, where it begins and ends with prayer after engaging in conversations with the guest speaker(s) and/or audience members. Whether you’re already familiar with spirituality or looking for something new, discover how connecting with YahNweh, our FatherGod, will bring peace and understanding into your life issues and concerns, which ultimately are meant for growth.

Past Programs|Shows:

Let's take a trip down memory lane and reflect on the incredible achievements we made about this time last year or beyond.


Develop the positive mindset you need to live a successful life with thePrayerTalk’s stress-free meditation sounds to relax and maintain a healthy you.